60th Annual Spring Symposium

The 60th Annual Spring Symposium, 75 Years of the United Nations and the Future of International Cooperation, hosted by VJIL and the J.B. Moore Society of International Law, will be held on March 19, 2021.

The Symposium will address the unique and evolving role that the United Nations plays in bringing together nations to address issues implicating global concerns. The Symposium will begin with opening remarks and then feature three panels and a keynote address delivered by. Stephen Mathias, U.N. Assistant Secretary General for Legal Affairs. The panels slated for the Symposium include:

  • The Future of Human Rights: The United Nations was founded seventy-five years ago. Throughout its existence, the UN has worked to define, protect, and promote human rights. But how successful has this endeavor been? Panelists will discuss how international human rights have evolved, critiques that have emerged, and look towards the future of human rights protection and enforcement.

  • Fostering International Cooperation to Address Global Issues: Over time, nations have recognized the need to work together to tackle global issues, such as climate change, international business, and public health. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought this issue to the forefront. Panelists will discuss how countries can effectively cooperate and how the rise of nationalist movements hinder such efforts. In addition, panelists will consider the role the UN has played, will play, and should play in addressing these challenges.

  • Addressing Threats to Global Safety: Governments frequently work together to protect their citizens from global threats. While the United Nations plays a primary role in ensuring global safety, countries have also relied on other means for security. These include regional organizations, bilateral agreements, etc. Panelists will discuss how the United Nations helps foster international cooperation and the major challenges nations face in their national security efforts.

The first 125 students to RSVP here will get $15 in meal reimbursement.

Please contact Carly Wasserman, Research & Projects Development Editor, at cbw3jf@virginia.edu with any questions regarding the Symposium.