Archive Volume 64 Meeting the Looming Deadline for the Corporate Reorganization of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures Under China’s 2020 Foreign Investment Law // Daniel C.K. ChowSurviving the Stampede: Market-Based Resolutions vis-à-vis Overregulation // Bepi PezzulliThe Future of Democracy and the Rule of Law // The Honorable M. Margaret McKeownEnding the Vicious Cycle: Understanding “Pillar Two” and the Uncertain Progress Towards a Harmonized Global Minimum Tax // Brendan BargmannTransformative Constitutionalism and International Investment Law // Carlos BernalFrameworks for Accountability: How Domestic Tort Law Can Inform the Development of International Law of State Responsibility in Armed Conflicts // Haim Abraham Volume 63 A Choice by Any Other Name: Ad Hoc Substitutes for Choice of Law // George RutherglenThe Genocide of Hazaras // Mehdi J. Hakimi Volume 62 The Recovery of the City of London's Competitive Advantage in Global Capital Markets: Renouncing Inherited EU Law to Restore English Common Law // Bepi Pezzulli and Raffaella TenconiWTO Waiver from Intellectual Property Protection for COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments: A Critical Review // Bryan MercurioOrdering the Repatriation of the Rohingya // MD. Rizwanul IslamConstitutional Courts in Defective Democracies // Michael C. Dorf Volume 61 The Conflict Between American Punitive Damages and German Public Policy—a Reassessment // Joachim Zekoll & Wiebke VoẞEnforced Disappearances: Applicable to Political Organizations? // Alexander Romboud WolffenbuttelBreaking State-Centric Shackles in the WHO: Taiwan as a Catalyst for a New Global Health Order // Ching-Fu Lin, Han-Wei Liu, & Chien-Huei WuMoving Beyond the Future Now Past of U.S.-China Legal Studies: Re-Opening the American Legal Mind? // Jedidiah J. KronckeThe Impossibility of Noncontribution // Nicholas J. DiamondWas Helping China Build Its Post-1978 Legal System A Mistake? // Jerome A. CohenRefoulement as a Corollary of Hate: Private Actors and International Refugee Law // Ishita Chakrabarty Volume 60 After the Max: Rebuilding U.S. Aviation Leadership // Roncevert Ganan AlmondMonasky V. Taglieri: The (International) Case For A “True” Hybrid Approach // Joe Digirolamo & Manal CheemaFamily Separation as Deterrent: Affected Refugee Rights in International Law and Remedies // Guus Duindam Volume 58 May Britain Trump America When It Comes to Democracy? // René ReyesMoseneke’s Impact On Land Restitution My Own Liberator: A Memoir. By Dikgang Moseneke. Johannesburg: Picador Africa. 2016 // Byron Crowe